Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Let Them Be Kids

Fun, fun, fun!  My little grand-daughters found out just how fun it is to play in the dirt on Sunday afternoon. 

My daughters, of course, were near heart-failure, but I told them to relax and let them be kids. 

Of course it was all fun and games 'til it came time to take a bath.  It took three baths to get these two little monsters clean!  But they had lotsa' fun, and we had lotsa' laughs!


  1. Oh geez, yea bath time was not fun. It took a lot of cleaning and fresh tubs of water to get mine all the way clean and all the dirt out of that hair, lol.

  2. It was fun watching them, though. And...it was fun watching you and Janna trying to get them clean.
