Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year 2012!!!

Well folks, it's now 2012!  As I look back at 2011, of course, there were some good times and some bad times! 

I think the Lord gives us the bad times sometimes so that we'll appreciate the good ones just a little bit more! 

I don't know that I'm actually going to make any New Year's resolutions this year, cuz I'm not usually very good about keeping them.  But...I would like to be a better person, friend, daughter, sister, wife, mother, Nana, etc...  Especially I'd like to be a better servant to the Lord! 

I pray that each and every one of my family and friends has a wonderful New Year in 2012 filled with health, happiness, peace, and love - and most importantly GOD! 

Let's hope 2012 brings us all lots of good times and great memories! 

Happy New Year!

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