Thursday, December 29, 2011

Only the Green Stuff

My little five-year old grand-daughter lost her first two teeth today, and she's so proud of it! 

She's smiled big at everyone she sees today, and she had to call several family members to let them know. 

When her mother and I were sitting with her tonight, I asked her if she thought the tooth fairy would bring her a penny for each tooth. 

She replied very nonchalantly, "No, she's bringing only the green stuff". 

My daughter and I burst out laughing.  "Out of the mouth of babes..." 

These grandbabies of mine are just so funny; they just brighten every day of my life!  And boy do they learn young!  *smile*

Friday, November 25, 2011

A Smile On My Face

At the end of our Thanksgiving evening, I was washing up the last of the dishes. 

My little family was sitting in the livingroom watching Home Alone, an old family favorite for the holidays. 

Listening to the movie and listening to them laugh just put a big old smile on my face.  That movie brings back many memories of times shared with just my hubby and our two daughters. 

Now my little grand-daughters are watching it, too. 

There's nothing like tradition; especially around the holidays.  Isn't it funny how the small things in life can make you smile! 

Hope you and your family enjoyed Thanksgiving like we did!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween!

A little something I put together for my kitchen table.  Cute, huh?

Happy Halloween!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Nana's Oven-Roasted Potatoes

Here's a healthy side dish for you, and boy is it delicious!  My family loves my Roasted Potatoes! 

I've run across numerous potato dishes like this, but I decided to make mine a little "healthier".  So here goes my version...


Small Red Potatoes (I use a small bag normally for my family of four)
Fat-Free Cooking Spray
Grated Parmesan Cheese
Mrs. Dash Original
Black Pepper
Sea Salt or Seasoned Salt (Optional)


Preheat oven to 350;

Cut potatoes into quarters;

Spray small roasting or cake pan with cooking spray;

Place potatoes in pan and spray them well with cooking spray;

Sprinkle with seasonings - Parmesan, Mrs. Dash, and Black Pepper (Sorry, I don't really measure these, I just season to my liking.);

Mix well with hands (Or if you'd like it less messy, you can always throw all of the above into a baggy and toss - I don't mind getting my hands dirty *smile*);

Cover with foil, and bake for approximately 1 1/2 hours.  (I like them really tender!)



Thursday, September 1, 2011

Splendor of God

What beautiful scenery!  Oh Lord, you are so magnificent, and your greatness shows all around us! 
Thank you for all that you have given us!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

I Saw God Today

"I've been to church,
I've read the book,
I know He's there,
But I don't look,
near as often as I should.

His fingerprints are everywhere,
I just slow down to stop and stare,
open my eyes and then I swear,
I Saw God Today..."

Yes, I'm sure you recognize these lyrics if you're a Country Music fan or a George Strait fan.  It's one of my favorite songs. 

I was riding in the car with my girls the other day, and I was really listening to these lyrics.  They are so true you know.  We know God is there, we see evidence of Him everywhere.  In everything we do, in every place we go - God's fingerprints are there!  He's the wind blowing through the trees, the butterfly that lands on the flower, the sun that warms our face;  He's everywhere.  But like the song says, we know He's there, but we just don't look.  Why?  Because we don't slow down and take time to notice.  We're too busy hustling and bustling about to enjoy life. 

I know, for me, I'm really bad about not taking enough time for the Lord and just sitting and talking to Him.  But boy, let a problem come along, and He's the first one I talk to.  I want Him to take care of everything, but you know that's really not fair.  He tries to talk to us everyday.  He sends the birds to sing to us, and the wind to whisper to us.  Just try to slow down; look all around you.  You might be surprised at what you'll see, and you just might see God today.

Monday, July 18, 2011

What's God Saying

My little four-year old grand-daughter, Breanna (Bree), and I often sit outside on the front porch swing.  We love to listen to the birds sing, watch the squirrels play, and feel the wind on our faces.  I've kinda' started our own little thing where I've told her that when the wind blows that's God talking to us. 

So the other day, we're just sitting there swinging and talking, and the wind starts to blow.  She turns to me and asks, "What's God saying"?

I told her that He was telling her how much He loves her.

You know I wonder just how many times that God's talking to us, and we don't hear Him.  Is it because we're just not listening?  Have we blocked Him out?  Or are we just too busy to listen to what He has to say? 

I know, myself, that I get too caught up in worry.  Yes, I know.  You're not suppose to worry, but for some of us that's easier said than done.  I'm pretty hard-headed when it comes to worry.  I try to give it to God, but I'm so bad about picking it back up.  So I have to give it to Him over and over again.  *smile*

But the next time you feel the wind blowing, remember - maybe, just maybe - that's God talking to you.  So be sure to listen!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Don't You Just Love Lavender?

So, I'm just sitting here, trying to relax.  Taking in the lavender smells filling the air. 

Don't you find this scent so relaxing and almost heavenly?  I don't know why I waited so long to bring this lovely fragrance into my home.  Now I can't wait to run out and buy some lavender plants, some potpourri, scented oils, and whatever else I can get my hands on that has this beautiful aroma!  It's just so simple and clean-smelling.  Just inhaling it really does bring a sense of calm to you. 

With that said, I think I'll bid everyone sweet dreams and good night!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Happy 4th of July

I received this from someone on Facebook, and I thought it was just beautiful so I wanted to share it with you.

The American flag does not fly because the wind moves past it.

The American flag flies from the last breath of the soldiers who have died protecting it.

American soldiers don't fight because they hate what's in front of them;

They fight because they love what's behind them.

May God bless our soldiers!  May God bless America!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Once Upon A Time...

Ever notice how little ones can bring an instant smile to your face or even make you burst out laughing?  Well, that's what my little 2 year old grand-daughter, Carlie, did today. 

It was so cute; I was just sitting there talking to my two daughters while Carlie was sitting in the floor playing.  That's when I heard her say, "Once upon a time...Amen!"  We all just stopped talking and looked at her.  A smile instantly spread across my face.  I looked over at Jessica, my youngest daughter and Carlie's mother, and asked, "Where did she come up with that?"

Jessie laughed and said, "Well, I think it came from our nightly routine."  She continued with, "Every night I help her say her prayers, then we read a story.  And from that, she's put the beginning of her story with the end of her prayers."

I thought that was just so cute!  But to hear Carlie say it was...well, it was just priceless!  Unless you're a grandmother, too, you're probably thinking, "Okay, you've just lost it!"  But us grandmothers know that no matter what comes out of these precious babies' mouths, it's beautiful to us!

"ONCE UPON A TIME...there was a baby named Jesus.  He grew in wisdom and grace, and He died for our sins.  AMEN!" 

I think Carlie's got the right idea, don't you?

Have a blessed day!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

God's Glory

Isn't this just a beautiful flower? 

It's my yellow "Sundance" Hibiscus that my oldest daughter, Janna, bought me for Mother's Day! 

 I've often said what a great artist God is, but this lovely flower shows you just what I mean. 

It's just amazing, and I love it!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Let Them Be Kids

Fun, fun, fun!  My little grand-daughters found out just how fun it is to play in the dirt on Sunday afternoon. 

My daughters, of course, were near heart-failure, but I told them to relax and let them be kids. 

Of course it was all fun and games 'til it came time to take a bath.  It took three baths to get these two little monsters clean!  But they had lotsa' fun, and we had lotsa' laughs!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Give Generously

Did you know that when you give to others in need, the Bible says it’s like giving directly to God Himself? When you step out and bless other people, you are honoring and blessing the Lord. The scripture tells us to give our best, to give generously. In other words, stretch yourself. Go out of your way. It may be uncomfortable to walk over and pay for someone’s gas, but that’s being generous.
I encourage you today, look for ways to give generously and meet the needs of others. Remember, people have many different types of needs. There may be someone who needs some encouragement. Give generously when you give that encouragement. There may be someone in your life that just needs a friend; they need some quality time. Give generously of your time and pour into that person. As you give generously to others, God will multiply those seeds in your own life in return!
“...The righteous give generously”
(Psalm 37:21, NIV)
(Courtesy of:

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Life's Little Treasures

You know life is filled with "little treasures" that can make you smile.  Just the other day, I was sitting at my kitchen table just listening.  My two daughters were in one room, while my two little grand-daughters were sitting in another room on the opposite end of the house.  

My daughters were laughing and just enjoying being together and remembering old times.  And I could hear the grandbabies in the other room just laughing and playing.  I just sat there and listened. It was peaceful; it was rewarding.  To just stop for a minute and cherish their laughter, their lives. 

They are all so important to me, and I love them dearly.  But so many times, life gets too busy for us to just stop and "smell the roses".  In all my life, I think this was one of the nicest moments I've ever had - just listening to the four of them - and feeling true happiness and contentment. 

So I ask you to just take a little time each day to just stop and listen.  You might be surprised at what you hear.