Monday, June 18, 2012

Nana's Little Helper

Bree just loves to help her Nana anytime I'm cooking!  Whether we're rolling meatballs, making a dessert, or whatever the case might be. 

One of her favorite things to do is to batter the chicken when we make her Mommy's favorite new dish, Crusted Parmesan Chicken.  (Oh!  And it's Aunt Jessie's, too!)

We dip us some chicken, have a little chit-chat, and  make a bit of a mess, but we have a good time doing it!  *smile*  She's a good little helper!  I love my time with her!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Nana's Strawberry Pie

This is one of my Janna's fave desserts!  I would go to the bakery to buy her one cuz, to be honest, I don't have lots of confidence in my own cooking.  But I finally got tired of spending $15. just to get this pie that, personally, I didn't think was that great. 

So I started searching for recipes, but most were more complicated than I wanted to deal with.  If it gets too complicated or has to many ingredients, lots of times, I won't even try it.  I like things simple and easy so I don't over-work my itsy bitsy brain. 

So I finally came up with my own little version of a strawberry pie.  And guess what?  It's super simple and so easy to make!

Last Christmas, I found, to my delight, that my niece, Haley loved it, too! ya' go! 


Fresh strawberries

Strawberry Gelatin (Premade in the produce section)

1/4 cup Sugar (Optional)

Fat-Free Cool Whip

Pet Ritz Pie Shell (For less fat, try the Keebler Reduced-Fat Graham Cracker Crust)


Combine sliced strawberries with gel and sugar.  (Save some of the strawberries if you'd like to garnish your pie with them.);

If using a frozen pie crust, bake per directions on package.

 Spread strawberry mixture evenly in crust;

Cover top of pie with cool whip, and garnish with strawberries;


Oh yeah!  Eat up!