Tuesday, July 8, 2014

She's the Queen of the Waves

So, yeah I'm a little behind, but oh well.  If you've been keeping up with my blog, you'll know I'm not always Ms. Punctual!  *smile*

Bree was in her school's talent show at the end of the year, and I was one proud Nana!  She did an awesome job!  She did a little number to Barbie's "Queen of the Waves". 

She really surprised all of us!  I had no idea she'd be brave enough to get up there on that stage and dance her little heart out! 

And see that surfboard, I know it's not a great picture of it, but my hubby made it for her.  He did a great job!

Now if I can just figure out how to upload the video...hmmm...


  1. Yep, my precious niece did a great job!! And makes me feel so great that I taught it to her!

    1. Yep! Aunt Jessie learned the dance first, then taught it to Bree and Carlie - then we just added a few moves here and there!
